Think This Today!

My Latest Thoughts

  • 27JULY
    Feeling and The Artist


    The person who makes art of some kind without the spur of money must be inspired to feel.

    To make I have to feel deeply: for a person; beauty; nature; the condition of others; or an idea that I believe has value. I most easily make for another. I am most easily inspired by another. When alone I fall back to those things outside myself as the focus of my making, although my I often interrupts my gaze with thoughts of those I long to be with. Feeling is at the centre of my making: my yearning heart.

  • 26JULY
    Sense and Sensibility


    I live in an area that used to be known as Ruxley Park Estate on the edge of downland in Hampshire, England. Two hundred years ago Jane Austin lived and walked across the same fields as I. I touch the yew tree she knew well and pause on the stone floor she offered her prayers, pain, and hope each day.

    Sense: the passing of something from outside to within that moves me to perceive, feel.

    Sensibility: an intense sensitivity towards another, a place, or experience.

  • 25JULY
    Those Who Make · The Artist


    In common with every human, I make. I make when awake and when asleep. At times I am conscious of my making, and at others my making happens so spontaneously I am unaware of the process.

    As I imagine, I make known to myself. As I form ideas and make known, I talk. All talking is making.

    When I purposely make, I am creative. Most people are creative. Those who dedicate their energy creatively, often identify themselves as artists. I prefer that artists are known as those who make art.

There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.

William Shakespeare



A place where one fresh thought is presented every day.

Think This Today is the creation of Mike de Sousa, an artist, writer, and composer.